Math Word Problems 01 - Primary 4

Fill in the blanks.
Write the answer as an Arabic number. For example "45".

1. I work five days a week. If I make 215 Baht a day, how much money can I earn in two weeks?

2. Rulers cost 65 Baht a kilo and pencils 80 Baht a kilo. If I buy one kilo of rulers and half a kilo of pencils, how much do I have to pay?

3. I have 436 apples. I then buy 84 more apples. If I put eight apples in one basket, how many baskets do I need?
ANSWER: baskets

4. Spoons cost 70 Baht a kilo. Glasses cost 120 Baht a box. I want to buy two kilos of spoons and two boxes of glasses. If I give the shopkeeper 500 Baht, how much is my change?

5. I have 500 Baht to spend for one week (7 days). I use 360 Baht to pay for food and the rest is to pay for the bus. How much do I spend for the bus each day?