A2 Flyers: Reading and Writing Part 2 - Number 02

Read the conversation and choose the best answer. Write a letter (A-H) for each answer.

Going Shopping

Alex is going shopping with his Aunt Linda today. Alex is asking Linda some questions about shopping. What does Alex say?

A. We will go shopping around 11am.

B. I want to go to Central World.

C. Yes I do. I do not want to spend no more than 5000 baht.

D. No I cannot. It is not in my budget.

E. I usually wear a medium.

F. I went to Robinson last weekend.

G. We will be shopping until around 6pm.

H. I need some new shirts, pants, and skirts.
Alex: Where do you want to go shopping today?
Alex: What do you need to buy today?
Alex: Do you have a budget in mind?
Alex: How long will we be shopping?
Alex: Can you buy me a new pair of shoes?
Alex: What size of shirt do you wear?