Present Simple Tense (Affirmative and Negative)

Fill in the blanks. Click here for more exercises about Present Tense.
A. Affirmative Sentences

1. She noodles every Monday. (eat)
2. Wichai computer every day. (play)
3. They English well. (speak)
4. He television every morning. (watch)
5. I up late. (get)
6. We pictures every week. (draw)
7. The boys in the pool. (swim)
8. My father a new car. (drive)
9. You in the office. (work)
10. Mr. Manit to London. (fly)
11. I my homework. (do)
12. The teacher to school every day. (walk)
13. Jack his bicycle. (ride)
14. His mother some fruit. (buy)
15. The baby every night. (cry)
B. Negative Sentences (don't/doesn't)

16. My friends read English books.
17. She sit near the teacher.
18. Sakdo wash his hands.
19. Mrs. Pranee clean the house.
20. The oxen eat grass.
21. I shut the windows.
22. That man speak Thai.
23. We love our parents.
24. The students study hard.
25. That policeman carry a gun.
26. He like the children.
27. They drink milk every morning.
28. Tom go to the park.
29. Mr. Udom work hard.
30. The lady give a present to him.