Math Word Problems: Level 1 - Set 6

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
1. There is a handkerchief that cost 48 baht and a wallet that cost 20 baht more than the handkerchief. How much is the wallet? ANSWER: baht
2. On day one, I read 16 pages. On day two, I read 5 pages less than day one. How many pages did I read on day two? ANSWER: pages
3. Mana has 42 baht. She used 20 baht to buy a pen. How much money does Mana have now? ANSWER: baht
4. There are 64 roses at the store. They sold 15 roses. How many roses do they have left? ANSWER: roses
5. Somsri is 5 years old. Somjit is 15 years older than Somsri. How old is Somjit? ANSWER: years old