Math Word Problems: Level 1 - Set 7

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
1. Pom and Pan together have 97 baht. If Pan has 42 baht, how much money does Pom have? ANSWER: baht
2. Somjit read 13 pages today. There are still 34 pages left that he hasn't read. How many pages are in this book? ANSWER: pages
3. There are 39 students in K.2/3. There are 16 students in this class who like to study in the Art class. The other students in this class like to study in the Music class.
How many students like to study in the Music class? ANSWER: students
4. Somchai is 32 years old. Somchai is 6 years younger than Somkid. How old is Somkid? ANSWER: years old
5. Manee bought a loaf of bread with 56 baht. She has 16 baht left. How much money did she originally have? ANSWER: baht