Math Word Problems: Level 1 - Set 12

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
1. Nit paid 25 baht for a pencil. She has 13 baht left. How much money did she originally have? ANSWER: baht
2. There are 43 students in primary 1/2. If 5 students are absent, how many students are at school today? ANSWER: students
3. A book is 14 baht. A pencil cost the same price as a book. If I buy 1 book and 1 pencil, how much money do I have to pay? ANSWER: baht
4. I have 76 baht. I paid 35 baht for some ice cream. How much money do I have left? ANSWER: baht
5. I sold 31 oranges. I have 12 oranges left now. How many oranges did I originally have? ANSWER: oranges