Math Word Problems: Level 2 - Set 9

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
1. James got 53 baht from selling coconuts and 38 baht from selling rose apples. How much did James get from selling both fruits? ANSWER: baht
2. A pencil case cost 87 baht and a pen cost 63 baht. How much do you have to pay if you buy both items? ANSWER: baht
3. Suda has 23 oranges. Ken has 18 oranges. Ken has how many oranges less than Suda? ANSWER: oranges
4. There are 36 tables in the primary 1 class. There are 24 tables in the primary 2 class. How many more tables are there in the primary 1 class? ANSWER: tables
5. Jake got 67 chicken eggs on the first day. He got 21 chicken eggs on the next day. He sold 24 chicken eggs. How many chicken eggs does he have left? ANSWER: eggs