Math Word Problems: Level 3 - Set 1

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
1. I had 50 bottles of milk. I drank 15 bottles. If I sold the remaining bottles for 7 Baht each, how much do I make? ANSWER: Baht
2. In a village there are 345 men, 384 women and 195 children. How many people altogether? ANSWER: people
3. Andrew bought 405 eggs. 39 were rotten and 16 were broken. How many good eggs? ANSWER: good eggs
4. I have three 500 Baht banknotes and ten 20 Baht banknotes. How much money do I have? ANSWER: Baht
5. If I share 510 Baht among six children, how much money do they get each? ANSWER: Baht