Math Word Problems: Level 3 - Set 2

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
1. A shirt is 380 Baht. Wichai has 196 Baht. How much more money does he need to buy the shirt? ANSWER: Baht.
2. A father gives his five children 45 Baht each. If he has 68 Baht, how much did he start with? ANSWER: Baht
3. A fruit vendor sells seven kilograms of apples for 91 Baht. How much is one kilogram? ANSWER: Baht.
4. If I want to buy eight chairs for 125 Baht each, how much money do I need? ANSWER: Baht
5. I have 180 eggs. If I put six eggs in one box, how many boxes do I need? ANSWER: boxes