Primary 6 O-NET Exam - 2564 (2021)

ข้อสอบ O-NET ปี 2564 ป.6 - วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ

This is our electronic version of the O-Net Exam 2564 (2021) which Primary 6 students sat on 12th February 2022.
QUESTIONS 13-16: Pong's Diary

October 13, 2021
COVID-19 is still around. No school now! Today we made a garden for growing collard greens and spring onions. I learned how to plan the area and how to plant vegetables on the land, not in a flower pot. We used bamboo stalks to make vegetable plots. Dad and I had fun making them. Dad asked me to measure two vegetable plots. I'm so proud of myself. Soon we'll have organic vegetables at home!