A1 Movers

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The following gives some examples of the level of ability for the A1 Movers.


  • CAN understand very simple spoken dialogues about familiar topics with the help of pictures
  • CAN understand very simple spoken descriptions about people and objects
  • CAN express agreement or disagreement with someone using short, simple phrases
  • CAN respond to questions on familiar topics with simple phrases and sentences
  • CAN give simple descriptions of objects, pictures and actions
  • CAN tell a very simple story with the help of pictures
  • CAN ask someone how they are and ask simple questions about habits and preferences


  • CAN understand some simple signs and notices
  • CAN read and understand some short factual texts with the help of pictures
  • CAN read and understand some short, simple stories about familiar topics with the help of pictures
  • CAN write short, simple phrases and sentences about pictures and familiar topics
  • CAN write simple sentences giving personal details
  • CAN write short, simple sentences about likes and dislikes

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  1. Matching – Draw lines to match names to people in a picture
  2. Note-taking – Write words or numbers in gaps.
  3. Matching – Match pictures with illustrated word or name by writing letter in box.
  4. 3-option multiple choice – Tick boxes under correct pictures.
  5. Colouring and writing – Carry out instructions, locate objects, colour correctly and write. (Range of colours is: black, blue, brown, green, grey, orange, pink, purple, red, yellow)

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  1. Matching words to definitions – Candidates read short definitions and match them to the correct words. Each
    word is represented by a labelled picture. Candidates are required to copy the correct word next to the definition.
  2. Short dialogue with multiplechoice responses – Candidates read a short dialogue and complete it by choosing the correct responses. They must choose from three options (A, B and C) for each question.
  3. Gapped text – Candidates read a short narrative and choose the correct word to complete the gaps. Candidates are also asked to choose the best title for the story from a choice of three options.
  4. Multiple-choice cloze – Candidates read and understand a gapped factual text. They are asked to choose the
    correct word from a choice of three to complete each gap.
  5. Sentence completion based on a story – Candidates read a story and complete sentences about it by writing one, two or three words.
  6. Productive writing – Candidates complete sentences, provide a written response to questions and write sentences about a picture.

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  1. Find four differences between two pictures
  2. Talk about pictures that tell a story
  3. Choose a picture that is different from three others and give reason
  4. Answer personal questions about yourself.

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