Verb to be (Past Tense - Negative)

Fill in the blanks with "wasn't" or "weren't"
Change to negative sentences. For example, change "I was nine years old" to "I wasn't nine years old".

1. The grass was green. = The grass green.
2. My school uniform was dirty. = My school uniform dirty.
3. The students were very fast. = The students very fast.
4. It was a funny movie. = It a funny movie.
5. The cows were in the field. = The cows in the field.
6. My shoes were black. = My shoes black.
7. We were at school yesterday. = We at school yesterday.
8. The students were in the computer room. = The students in the computer room.
9. My father was a pilot for ten years. = My father a pilot for ten years.
10. My parents were teachers. = My parents teachers.
11. It was Tuesday yesterday. It Tuesday yesterday.
12. The students were quiet today. The students quiet today.
13. It was a good movie. = It a good movie.
14. The fan was on. The fan on.
15. The lights were on. The lights on.