Read Along Stories about Student Life in 40 Seconds

These are easy read along stories about student life at home and school. Each set has four stories with similar vocabulary. Once you have completed each set, do the exercises for Using English and Grammar.


  • Recess (เวลาพัก): A short break from school when students can play outside or in the classroom.
  • Uniform (ชุดนักเรียน): A special set of clothes that students wear to school.
  • Bell (กระดิ่ง): A loud, ringing sound that is used to signal the start or end of something, such as a school day.
  • Wave (โบกมือ): To move your hand up and down to say hello or goodbye.
  • Wake up (ตื่น): To start being awake after sleeping.
  • Greet (ทักทาย): To say hello to someone.
  • Hug (กอด): To put your arms around someone and hold them tightly.
  • Tasty (อร่อย): Having a good flavor that makes you want to eat something.
  • Laugh (หัวเราะ): To make a sound that shows you are happy or amused.


  • Favorite means the thing you like the most.
  • Kiss means to touch someone’s lips with yours in a loving way.
  • Excited means to feel happy and eager about something.
  • Yummy means something that tastes good.
  • Quickly means to do something fast.
  • Shoelaces are the strings that tie your shoes together.
  • Backpack is a bag that you carry on your back.
  • Stretch means to reach your arms and legs out to make your body longer.
  • Tied means to be fastened with a knot.


  • Swings are things that hang from ropes or chains and you can sit on them and go up and down.
  • Slide is a long, smooth piece of wood or plastic that you can go down on.
  • Jungle gym is a place with different things to climb on, like ladders, bars, and slides.
  • Giggling is when you laugh in a quiet, happy way.
  • Perfect means that something is very good or without any mistakes.
  • Merry-go-round is a big, round platform with horses or other animals on it that you can ride around on.
  • Promise means that you will do something for sure.
  • Trampoline is a large piece of fabric with springs in it that you can jump up and down on.
  • Clap means to hit your hands together to make a sound.


  1. Flashcards
  2. Matching
  3. Using English
  4. English Grammar


  • Raindrops: The small drops of water that fall from the sky during a rain.
  • Fort: A small building made of blankets, pillows, or other things.
  • Blanket: A large piece of cloth that is used to keep warm.
  • Pillow: A soft, comfortable object that is used to support the head when sleeping.
  • Cozy: Warm and comfortable.
  • Snuggle up: To curl up close to someone or something for warmth or comfort.
  • Share: To give something to someone else.
  • Bored: Feeling tired or uninterested.
  • Rumble: A low, deep sound.
  • Tummy: The soft, round part of the body below the ribs.


  1. Flashcards
  2. Matching
  3. Using English
  4. English Grammar


  • Stuffy nose: When your nose is blocked and you can’t breathe through it easily.
  • Sore throat: When your throat hurts, especially when you swallow.
  • Runny nose: When your nose is producing a lot of mucus, which makes it run down the back of your throat.
  • The flu: A contagious respiratory illness that can cause fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle aches, headache, and fatigue.
  • Climb: To go up something, such as a mountain or a tree.
  • Slip: To lose your footing and fall.
  • Broke his arm: When someone’s arm is broken, it means that the bone in their arm is cracked or broken in two pieces.
  • Heal: To get better after being sick or injured.
  • Cast: A hard covering that is put on a broken bone to help it heal.