Conversation Questions for Primary 1: Term 2 คำถามจากบทสนทนาสำหรับนักเรียนป.1

The following are the conversation questions for students from Primary 1.  Once you are ready, click here for the quiz.

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1. What’s your favorite weather?

ANSWER: I like it when it is cool.
I like sunny weather.

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2. How many months are there in a year?

ANSWER: There are twelve months in a year.

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3. What month is it now?

ANSWER: It is January.

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4. What month do we celebrate Songkran?

ANSWER: We celebrate Songkran in April.

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5. When do we celebrate Christmas?

ANSWER: We celebrate Christmas on 25th December.

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6. When is your birthday?

ANSWER: My birthday is on 31st May.

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7. What present would you like to get on your birthday?

ANSWER: I would like to get a new computer for my birthday.

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8. Is it hot or cold outside today?

ANSWER: It is cold outside today.

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9. What do you like to do when you’re outside?

ANSWER: I like to play football with my friends.
I like to run in the park.

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10. Are you hungry or thirsty?

ANSWER: I am hungry.
I am thirsty.

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11. What is your favorite food?

ANSWER: My favorite food is pizza.

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12. What is your favorite drink?

ANSWER: My favorite drink is orange juice.

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13. What do you want to be when you grow up?

ANSWER: I want to be a YouTuber when I grow up.
ANSWER: I want to be an eGamer when I grow up.

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14. Whose job is it to put out fires?

ANSWER: It is a firefighter’s job to put out fires.

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15. Whose job is to clean your teeth?

ANSWER: It is a dentist’s job to clean my teeth.
It is my job to clean my teeth every day!

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Click here for the quiz >>> คลิกที่นี่เพื่อตอบคำถาม